This section has articles on various programs used by teachers, students, and staff throughout the county.
- Which apps and access levels are commonly granted based on job title in the AIM portal?
- A Principal needs to add or remove an employee to/from their school in Ed Dir
- How to add access to applications needed in an employee's AIM portal.
- How does an employee change his/her email address, password, or other info in their AIM Portal account?
- An employee does not have an AIM Portal account. How do they create one?
- Unarchiving Classes in Remind
- Printing and using Quick Cards for Classlink logins
- Adding Calendars to Your Outlook
- Reconnecting to Outlook
- How do I use Canva?
- I see a message on the login screen of my MacBook that says "Your screen is being observed."
- Installing Adobe Products (Creative Cloud)
- myBCBE Portal Update 2021
- Google Drive Access Issues
- Brainpop! FAQs
- Adobe Spark
- Where is the BCBE Ed Tech Help Desk?
- Who creates and manages logins for our library software application, Atriuum ?
- How do I update my phone number for BCBE mass communications?
- Unable To Access Email On Laptop After Multi-Factor Authentication Is Turned On
- Unable To Access Email On Mobile Phone After Multi-Factor Authentication Is Turned On
- How To Install The Scholastic F.I.R.S.T App On A Chromebook
- ThreatAdvice - How to log in and access content
- How does an employee log into a Chromebook or Chromebox?
- Lightspeed's Classroom Relay
- Set up your account for Multi-Factor Authentication
- How to download Youtube videos on a teacher Macbook.
- Make a QR Code
- Deleting Classes from Discovery Education