Q: Can I change my password in PowerTeacher Pro?
A: No. We use a single sign on passthrough for PowerTeacher Pro. Your password must stay the same as your account password for your computer and my.bcbe.org.
Q: Will I be able to use special grade codes offered by PowerTeacher Pro such as CH for cheating?
A: No. The only special grade code we use is I for Incomplete.
Q: Can we do standards based grades?
A: At this time only Kindergarten uses standards based grading. All other grades should be using traditional grades. It is possible to tie a traditional based score to standard but at this time we don't know when the standards will be imported so that feature can not be guaranteed.
Q: Can I add additional categories to my grade book?
A: While it is possible to add additional categories to the program we have policies that restrict categories to specific names and settings. You can reference those policies below:
Q: Will a long term sub be able to access my PowerTeacher Pro?
A: Yes. They will be added as a co-teacher.
Q: How do we take first day attendance?
A: First day attendance will be done on paper.
Q: If I have a student that is in OCS how will their attendance be taken?
A: Your registrar or attendance clerk will mark the student with an ISS code for in-school suspension.
Q: Can I change how my grades are calculated? For example, can I change the formula to make my semester test to count more?
A: No. Those settings are pushed down from the district and cannot be changed.
Q: Is there a point where my grades will be locked and I can't make changes?
A: Yes. At some point your ability to edit grades will be turned off for each grading quarter. You must report your grades to the office based on the timeline you are given.
Q: Will a daily sub that just takes my class for a day or two be able to submit attendance?
A: No. Your registrar has been trained on how to handle this situation.
Q: What if I can't see the categories I want when I'm setting up my Traditional Grade Calculations?
A: It's possible you don't have your categories activated for that class. There is a help file linked here that should help you.
Q: I have a student who transferred to me the first day of a new quarter. Where do I enter their transfer grade?
A: You don't. Per BCBE policy grades from other teachers that are a complete quarter or more should not be entered into a different teachers grade book. Any averaging using those grades must be done by hand. So if you get a student 2nd quarter you don't put anything in your PTP for Q1. When you compute S1 you must hand average and then report that average to your registrar who will enter it for you. For more information on how to average a grade for student that joined your class mid quarter you can go here.
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