How do I connect to the Guest Portal Wi-Fi?




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    Steven L Schneider

    Consider updating the "Principals, DRA, DRS and Directors can access the instructions for temporary connections to the Guest Network here" document to the following. This update clarifies the Mac Computers instructions. 


    Temporary Guest Network Access Instructions

    SSID (network name): GuestPortal

     WPA2 Password: guestwifi

     Username: guestwifi

    Current Password:  tbC9=e            

     Password last changed: 01/24/2022

    Connection Instructions

    Windows Computers

    1. Close ALL internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, etc.)
    2. Click on the wireless network icon in the bottom right by the clock
    3. Select GuestPortal
    4. Click Connect button
    5. Wait for connection
    6. Enter password when prompted: guestwifi
    7. Click Join button
    8. Start browser
    9. If you get a warning about a certificate problem, click Continue to this website
    10. Enter your username and password provided by BCBE

    Mac Computers

    1. Close ALL internet browsers, (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.)
    2. Click the wireless icon at the top right, by the clock
    3. Select GuestPortal. The computer will connect to the GuestPortal network, and a single password input window will be displayed
    4. Enter the WPA2 password as shown above
    5. Click the Join button
    6. If the BCBE GuestPortal login window is displayed, enter the Username and Password as shown above
    7. If the GuestPortal login window is not displayed open a browser window
    8. When the GuestPortal login window is displayed enter the Username and Password as shown above

    NOTE: If the GuestPortal has been used on the computer before, the WPA2 login window may not appear but the GuestPortal login window will. Enter the Username and Password.    

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    Adam Glenn1109

    the password doesnot work


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    Dayn T Majure

    It should probably be added that iOS devices have to disable the "Private Wifi Address" option in the settings specific to the network in order to be able to access the captive portal.

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